# Install: 1. Go to web panel and install .bin file as regular firmware 2. After reboot - device get new IP address, find it and connect via Telnet 3. Run these commands for prepare HDD's: # Disk 1: /dev/sda, Disk 2: /dev/sdb # Run it for both disks if you need raid and replace "missing" in mdadm command to 2nd disk (/dev/sdb) parted --script /dev/sda "mklabel gpt \ mklabel gpt \ mkpart primary 0% 512MB \ mkpart primary 512MB 4096MB \ mkpart primary 4096MB 100% \ set 1 raid on \ set 2 raid on \ set 3 raid on" # Replace "Missing" to /dev/sdb* for use bith disks. mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 --run /dev/sda1 missing mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 --run /dev/sda2 missing mdadm --create /dev/md2 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 --run /dev/sda3 missing # For add 2nd disk later # Format disk and run this: mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb1 mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --add /dev/sdb2 mdadm --manage /dev/md2 --add /dev/sdb3 # Format new partitions: mkswap /dev/md0 swapon /dev/md0 mkfs.ext4 /dev/md1 mkfs.ext4 /dev/md2 # Mount partitions and upload rootfs (Already included kernel): mkdir /mnt/root mount /dev/md1 /mnt/root # Upload rootfs archive to this partition and unpack: cd /mnt/root wget http://fox-exe.ru/WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Ex2-Ultra/Debian-linux_4.14.4/debian-stretch-rootfs.tar.xz tar xvf debian-stretch-rootfs.tar.xz rm debian-stretch-rootfs.tar.xz # Optional: Install more new kernel: cd /mnt/root wget https://fox-exe.ru/WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Ex2-Ultra/Dev/Linux-4.15.0-rc6/libs-4.15.0-rc6.tar.gz wget http://fox-exe.ru/WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Ex2-Ultra/Dev/Linux-4.15.0-rc6/uImage wget http://fox-exe.ru/WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Ex2-Ultra/Dev/Linux-4.15.0-rc6/uRamdisk tar xvf libs-4.15.0-rc6.tar.gz dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock1 dd if=uImage of=/dev/mtdblock1 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock2 dd if=uRamdisk of=/dev/mtdblock2 rm uImage uRamdisk libs-4.15.0-rc6.tar.gz /mnt/root/lib/modules/4.14.4 -r # Reboot device cd / umount /mnt/root sync reboot -f # After reboot you can connect via SSH: Hostname: WDMCmg2 User: root Passwd: mycloud # MAC address will changed to real after next boot. # For change it: /etc/network/interfaces (hwaddr value)